The Synaxis [Assembly] Of The Holy Serbian Enlighteners And Teachers
Today we do not commemorate all the Serbian saints in general, but only several archbishops and patriarchs:
- Saint Sava, the first Archbishop of the Serbs and Equal to the Apostles;
- Arsenije (Arsenius), the successor to St. Sava, a great hierarch and miracle worker;
- Saint Sava II, son of the First-crowned, King Stefan, who lived in Jerusalem for a long time and is called "like unto Moses in meekness" [refer to the Srbljak, the Service Book of the Serbian Saints];
- Nikodim (Nicodemus), who lived a life of asceticism on the Holy Mountain [Athos], was abbot of Hilandar, and following that was Archbishop of all the Serbian and Coastal lands;
- Joanikije (Joannicius), at first an archbishop, and then patriarch from 1346 A.D. to his repose in 1349 A.D.;
- Ephraim, an ascetic who was elected patriarch against his will in the time of Prince Lazar in 1376 A.D., and who crowned Lazar king. After that, he resigned the patriarchal throne and retreated into solitude;
- Spyridon, who was the successor to Ephraim, and who reposed in the year 1388 A.D.;
- Makarije (Macarius), who renovated many ancient monasteries [Zaduzbine] and printed many ecclesiastical books in Skadar, Venice, Belgrade and other places. He also built the famous refectory in the monastery at Peć and labored much to advance the Church with the assistance of his brother Mehmed Sokolović, the Grand Vizier. Makarije died in the year 1574 A.D;
Gabriel, by birth a nobleman of the Rajić family, who participated in the Moscow Church council under Patriarch Nikon, for which he was tortured for treason by the Turks, and hanged in the year 1656 A.D. - With these we also commemorate Jevstatije (Eustace), Jakov, Danilo, Grigorije, Jovan, Sava III, Maxim and Nikon. Many of them lived a life of asceticism on the Holy Mountain [Athos], and all were meek and faithful servants in the vineyard of the Lord.

All Serbian Saints
2520 Dixie Road
Mississauga, Ontario L4Y 2A5
12Mar9:00 Liturgy Presanctified Gifts - Predjeosvecena9:00-1:00 - Church open - Crkva otvorenaFri
14Mar9:00 Liturgy Presanctified Gifts - Predjeosvecena9:00-1:00 - Church open - Crkva otvorenaSat
15Mar9:00 Divine Liturgy - Св Литургија
6:00 Vecernje - Vespers