This year 2024, the Church of the Assembly of Serbian Saints in Mississauga celebrated the children's feast of St. Sava. On the day of St. Sava itself, Saturday, January 27, 2024, the Holy Liturgy was served by archpriest-stavrophor Milojko Dimitrić, parish priest in Mississauga, who preached wonderfully about St. Sava. The celebratory kolac was cut in the temple with this year's kumovi Oliver and her children Hristina and Konstantina Avramović. Aleksandra Jovičić has accepted godparenthood for the next year of 2025.
On Sunday, January 28, 2024, the Holy Liturgy was served by Father Zlatibor Đurašević, with the wonderful singing of our Choir of St. Sava led by cundoctor Jovan Lukić. During the Holy Liturgy, many children and people came to Holy Communion. After liturgy we all moved to the Serbian Center, where our CSO prepared a celebratory banquet in honor of Saint Sava, where the Lord's Prayer was sung as well as the Hymn of St. Sava, in which everyone present took part with their voice. In the following, a wonderful program was performed, solemnly performed by the children of the Serbian school, led by teacher Tatjana Mandić, and the Sveti Sava Folklore Group with president Igor Papaz.
At the end of the program, the Dean of the Temple, Father Dejan Obradović, warmly thanked the clergy, godparents of this year's honor Olivera Avramović, CŠO, KSS who prepared the lunch, Choir, president of Folklore, teacher Tatjana Mandić, as well as next year's godmother Aleksandra Jovičić, as well as parents and everyone to those present for coming to take part in the celebration of the glory of Saint Sava!

All Serbian Saints
2520 Dixie Road
Mississauga, Ontario L4Y 2A5
12Mar9:00 Liturgy Presanctified Gifts - Predjeosvecena9:00-1:00 - Church open - Crkva otvorenaFri
14Mar9:00 Liturgy Presanctified Gifts - Predjeosvecena9:00-1:00 - Church open - Crkva otvorenaSat
15Mar9:00 Divine Liturgy - Св Литургија
6:00 Vecernje - Vespers